How To apply SAP Support packs
SAP Support package's are used to enhance the functionality or
bug fixing in the program, it contains a collection of error corrections. You
can only import complete Support Packages and in a specified sequence. Each
correction in a Support Package is documented in an SAP Note.
We can Download the Support Packages from SAP Service Market
Place (SMP) ->
Before applying support package there are certain prerequisites
which need to be checked.
Support package applied once cannot be reverted back, always
apply support packages to the level n-1, since
developments still goes on with the latest patch level
Ex:- If the latest patch release
are 54 better to have the patch 54-1=53
Each Support Package is valid for only one release (but for all
databases and operating systems) and requires an exactly defined number of
predecessors. The upgrade of the following release or correction release
contains all the Support Packages of the previous versions that were available
up to the delivery of the upgrade.
following types of Support Packages are available:
A SPAM/SAINT Update (PAT) contains updates and improvements to
the Support Package Manager and the SAP Add-On Installation Tool.
Component Support Package
A Component Support Package (CSP) is valid for one software
component (SAP_BASIS, SAP_HR, SAP_APPL, Add-On Software Component...) and
contains quality improvements for Repository and Dictionary objects in this
software component only.
In addition to these improvements, Support Packages for the
SAP_HR component also contain adjustments due to legal changes.
Below are the some of the Software Components and its Naming
conversation of Support Package
. SAP_APPL (SAP R/3 Support Package): SAPKH<rel><no>
. SAP_BASIS (Basis Support Package): SAPKB<rel><no>
. SAP_ABA (Application Interface SP): SAPKA<rel><no>
. SAP_HR (SAP R/3 HR Support Package) : SAPKE<rel><no>
. SAP_APO (APO Support Package): SAPKY<rel><no>
. SAP_BW (BW Support Package): SAPKW<rel><no>
. SAP_CRM (CRM Support Package): SAPKU<rel><no>
. SAP_SRM (SRM Support Package): SAPKU<rel><no>
. SAP_SEM (SEM-BW Support Package): SAPGKS<rel><no>
for applying support patches
version should be latest.
2. Go through the
OCS (online correction support) note before doing support package.
3. There should
not be any aborted packages which were applied earlier.
4. Login to 000 client
with user like DDIC.
5. Suspend all
background jobs using report BTCTRNS1 except
background jobs like RDD* jobs.
6. There should
be at least two background work process reserved for this process.
7. Check for
enough space in eps/in directory (os level) \\usr\sap\trans\eps\in take
successful backup.
8. Functional and
technical consultants should be around for applying changes to data dictionary
and repository objects
9. Take the
database backup before going to apply support packages
10. There should
be enough space in tablespace (DB02) (If any
tablespace is > 90% add data
file )
11. Apply patches
in the sequence defined in the composite note. Patches can be applied
individually or bundled together.
12. Patches can
not be revert by consultant, only SAP can revert the patches by developing a
negative patches if required.
13. Schedule
downtime before going to apply support packages. Notify user through email or
by creating a message SM02 transaction.
14. Lock all
user’s, except BASIS Admin users, DDIC and SAP* for Make sure no user should be
logged on while performing support package.
15. In order to
avoid network congestion the files which are more than 10MB has to be applied through “Application sever”. Patches which
are less than 10MB can be
applied through “Front end”.
16. “tp” version
should be latest and also upgrade the Kernel version.
17. Support
package should be applied in the sequence of landscape, First in Dev system and
next apply in QAS for the consistency test and finally in PRD system.
18. Note: You
require the authorizations S_TRANSPRT and S_CTS_ADMIN to be able to run
transaction SPAM. These authorizations are part of authorization profile
Steps to applying SAP Support packages
1. Click on Package level to know the existing level of the
support packs and the add-ons.
2. Go to transaction SPAM and Load the support packages from
frontend if it is < 10 MB. The support packages which are in the form of
.car will be decompressed into eps/in directory.
If the size is > 10mb, copy the support packages to /trans
directory and uncar the support packages using
the below command
cmd>cd usr\sap\trans
> sapcar –xvf <filename>.car
The command SAPCAR will decompress the CAR file and put two
files (with extensions .ATT and .PAT in the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in directory.
3. Click on "Display/define"
4. A box will appear with the Support Package
categories, Click on the category for the support packages that you
uploaded and it will list them in order. You can apply them individually
or the whole list at one time.
click import queue (or) Click on truck icon.àsupport
package à5. Go to
6. Click on continue after importing in to the Queue.
7. Click Continue..
8. Note :- While applying support packages it triggers two
phases SPAU and SPDD
When the support packages contains any changes in the data
dictionary then this phase is invoked.
When the support packages contains the changes related to
repository objects SPAU phase is invoked. it prompts whether to keep to
existing changes modified by notes or adapt to changes.
Modification Adjustment During Import of Support Packages
Use : - If SAP
modified objects that have also been modified by the customer, a modification
adjustment is executed in the transactions SPDD and SPAU during import of
Support packages.
As far as the modification adjustment is concerned, you use the
common procedure described below to import Support Packages:
Create two change requests in the Workbench Organizer
(transaction SE09), one for the modification adjustment with transaction SPDD
and the other one for the modification adjustment in transaction SPAU.
Create a task for each developer who is involved in the
modification adjustment.
The developers must use transactions SPDD and SPAU to determine
whether to retain or delete the modifications.
After modification adjustment is finished, the developers must
release their tasks.
Use transaction SPAM to access the SAP Patch Manager.
Choose Patch -> Import Patch Queue. A confirmation dialog
window appears.
Choose Enter to finish the import process of the Support
Release the change requests that result from the modification
adjustment using transactions SPAU and SPDD. At a later time, you can use the
change request of transaction SPAU to import the modification adjustment after
this patch queue has been imported into other SAP Systems within the system
landscape. You cannot use the change request of transaction SPDD to avoid the
required SPDD adjustment during import into other systems. You must always
re-adjust the Dictionary manually. However, you should still transport the
change request to ensure that identical modifications are made in all SAP
systems. Before importing the change request resulting from the modification
adjustment with transaction SPAU or with transaction SPDD during import of a
patch queue into the subsequent systems, import the patch queue itself.
9. It prompt you the Queue is imported successfully and ask to
confirm the queue.
10. Go to -> SPAM -> Support Package -> Confirm the
This shows the support package has implemented for the one of
the queue and you need to do the same as for the other queue (software
processing for support package
1. Check if any alerts or error messages in SICK and SM21.
2. Release all the background jobs (BTCTRNS2).
3. Unlock all the users.
4. Run SGEN ( SGEN compiles all programs.SGEN reduces abap load
on the system).
5. Take a successful backup.
Problems While Applying Support Packages
Tablespace overflow.
Max extents reached.
Archive struck.
Kernel outdated.
SPAM/SAINT outdated.
No enough space in eps/in directory.
"tp" could not connect to database (Execute R3trans –d
which will generate trans.log)
STMS configuration should be consistent.
"tp" and "R3trans" is outdated or obsolete
or corrupted which needs to be updated.
Check environmental
RDDIMPDP job not scheduled
Objects conflict b/w the packages
Inconsistent in TMS
Background jobs is terminated with memory related issue
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Great article! Thanks for sharing this blog. HR Support.