Thursday 1 January 2015

Unix commands Session -3 (find Command usages)

#man find
# find <path> <search Criteria> <action>

Examples of find command--

It will display the pathnames of all files in the current
directory and all subdirectories .
find -print
find. -print

the below command will search abc file in the entire systemm
find /-name abc

Search in Current directory
find . -name abc.txt

to search a type as f , directory d

find . -type f -name abc.txt

find xyz files under abc directory
find/home/abc -name xyz.txt

find all .txt files in Directories abc
find /home/abc -name '*.txt'

find files using Name and ignoring Case
find /home/abc -iname abc.txt

find directories abc
find/ -type d -name abc

find files Based on their Permissions(permission 777)
find .-type f -perm 0777 -print

find files without permissions
find. -type f ! -perm 0777 -print

find SGID files with permission 755
find/ -perm 2755

find all SGID set files
find /-perm /g+s

find stick bit files with permission 755
find/ -perm 1755

Owner Group Others
7       7    7

r=4 w=2 x=1

ls -ltrh

find . -perm/o=t
owner only can delete this file no one can delete

find all SSUID set files
find . -perm/u=s

Find all executable files
find/ -perm /a=x

find all read only file
find /-perm /u=r

find file with permission 777 and change the permission to 755
find / -type -f -perm 0777 -exec chmod 755 {}\;
find / -type-f -perm 0777 -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755

find and remove single file
find / -type -f -name "abc.txt" -exec rm-f {}\;
find /-type -f -name "abc.txt" -print0 |xargs -0 rm-f

find directories with 777 pemission and change permission 755
find /-type -d -perm 0777 -exec chmod 755 {}\;
find/ -type -d -perm 0777 -print0 |xargs -0 chmd 755

find all empty files and remove
find /-type f -empty -exec rm-f {}\;

find all hidden files
find /-type -f -name ".*"

find all thee files that were modified 10 days back
find / -mtime 10

find all the files that were accessed 10 days back
find /-atime 10

find all the files which are modified more than 10 days back
and less than 20 days
find / -mtime+10 -mtime -20

find all the files modified in last minute
find / -mmin 1

find all the files changed in last 1 minute
find / -type -f -cmin 1

find . -mmin 1
find .-mmin +1 -mmin -3

find a files based on user group
find / -user root -name abc.txt

find all the files of a user
find / -user root

find a file based on group
find / -group developer -name xyz.txt

find all the files of a group
find /-group developer

find a 10MB file
find /-size 10M

find . -size +1M -size -3M
find . -name '*.log'

restricting find with search capability
find / -maxdepth 3 -name "*log"

find all files that dont match a file name pattern
find. -type f -not -name "*.html"

redirecting errors to /dev/null
find -name "*.txt" 2>>/dev/null

finding EARTH text in all the text files
find . -name "*." -exec grep -i "EARTH"{}\;

finding EARTH text in all the text files efficiently
find . -name "*.txt" -exec grep-i "EARTH"{} \+

Clean out temporary files
find .\(-name a.out -o -name'*.o' -o -name 'core' \)exec rm {} \;

List zero length files
find . -empty -exec ls {} \;

find files which are more than 1 GB and nt accessed for the past
10 months

find / -size +1G -mtime +300

finding file dwnloaded today but misplaced
find ~ -type f -mtime 0 -iname '*.mp3'

identify files without a user or group
find / -nouser -o- nogroup

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