http://<hostname>:<port>/sld . Goto to administration, in that you get System message option.
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Thursday, 1 January 2015
BO \BI 4.0 Introduction
BO BI4.0
BO 5.X BO 6.X XIR1
XI R3(XI3.0,XI3.1)
SAP BO BI4.0 ---latest
Integration with sharepoint,Tivoli etc
TOOLS categories as
Business user
Data manager
CMS(Central management server)
CMC :central mgmt console
Central configuration manager
Life cycle manager
Central management console (Servers info available)
Repository diagnostic tool
Import wizard
Report conversion tool
Publishing wizard
Performance manager
Unix commands Session -3 (find Command usages)
#man find
# find <path> <search Criteria> <action>
Examples of find command--
It will display the pathnames of all files in the current
directory and all subdirectories .
find -print
find. -print
the below command will search abc file in the entire systemm
find /-name abc
Search in Current directory
find . -name abc.txt
to search a type as f , directory d
find . -type f -name abc.txt
find xyz files under abc directory
find/home/abc -name xyz.txt
find all .txt files in Directories abc
find /home/abc -name '*.txt'
find files using Name and ignoring Case
find /home/abc -iname abc.txt
find directories abc
find/ -type d -name abc
find files Based on their Permissions(permission 777)
find .-type f -perm 0777 -print
find files without permissions
find. -type f ! -perm 0777 -print
find SGID files with permission 755
find/ -perm 2755
find all SGID set files
find /-perm /g+s
find stick bit files with permission 755
find/ -perm 1755
Owner Group Others
7 7 7
r=4 w=2 x=1
ls -ltrh
find . -perm/o=t
owner only can delete this file no one can delete
find all SSUID set files
find . -perm/u=s
Find all executable files
find/ -perm /a=x
find all read only file
find /-perm /u=r
find file with permission 777 and change the permission to 755
find / -type -f -perm 0777 -exec chmod 755 {}\;
find / -type-f -perm 0777 -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
find and remove single file
find / -type -f -name "abc.txt" -exec rm-f {}\;
find /-type -f -name "abc.txt" -print0 |xargs -0 rm-f
find directories with 777 pemission and change permission 755
find /-type -d -perm 0777 -exec chmod 755 {}\;
find/ -type -d -perm 0777 -print0 |xargs -0 chmd 755
find all empty files and remove
find /-type f -empty -exec rm-f {}\;
find all hidden files
find /-type -f -name ".*"
find all thee files that were modified 10 days back
find / -mtime 10
find all the files that were accessed 10 days back
find /-atime 10
find all the files which are modified more than 10 days back
and less than 20 days
find / -mtime+10 -mtime -20
find all the files modified in last minute
find / -mmin 1
find all the files changed in last 1 minute
find / -type -f -cmin 1
find . -mmin 1
find .-mmin +1 -mmin -3
find a files based on user group
find / -user root -name abc.txt
find all the files of a user
find / -user root
find a file based on group
find / -group developer -name xyz.txt
find all the files of a group
find /-group developer
find a 10MB file
find /-size 10M
find . -size +1M -size -3M
find . -name '*.log'
restricting find with search capability
find / -maxdepth 3 -name "*log"
find all files that dont match a file name pattern
find. -type f -not -name "*.html"
redirecting errors to /dev/null
find -name "*.txt" 2>>/dev/null
finding EARTH text in all the text files
find . -name "*." -exec grep -i "EARTH"{}\;
finding EARTH text in all the text files efficiently
find . -name "*.txt" -exec grep-i "EARTH"{} \+
Clean out temporary files
find .\(-name a.out -o -name'*.o' -o -name 'core' \)exec rm {} \;
List zero length files
find . -empty -exec ls {} \;
find files which are more than 1 GB and nt accessed for the past
10 months
find / -size +1G -mtime +300
finding file dwnloaded today but misplaced
find ~ -type f -mtime 0 -iname '*.mp3'
identify files without a user or group
find / -nouser -o- nogroup
# find <path> <search Criteria> <action>
Examples of find command--
It will display the pathnames of all files in the current
directory and all subdirectories .
find -print
find. -print
the below command will search abc file in the entire systemm
find /-name abc
Search in Current directory
find . -name abc.txt
to search a type as f , directory d
find . -type f -name abc.txt
find xyz files under abc directory
find/home/abc -name xyz.txt
find all .txt files in Directories abc
find /home/abc -name '*.txt'
find files using Name and ignoring Case
find /home/abc -iname abc.txt
find directories abc
find/ -type d -name abc
find files Based on their Permissions(permission 777)
find .-type f -perm 0777 -print
find files without permissions
find. -type f ! -perm 0777 -print
find SGID files with permission 755
find/ -perm 2755
find all SGID set files
find /-perm /g+s
find stick bit files with permission 755
find/ -perm 1755
Owner Group Others
7 7 7
r=4 w=2 x=1
ls -ltrh
find . -perm/o=t
owner only can delete this file no one can delete
find all SSUID set files
find . -perm/u=s
Find all executable files
find/ -perm /a=x
find all read only file
find /-perm /u=r
find file with permission 777 and change the permission to 755
find / -type -f -perm 0777 -exec chmod 755 {}\;
find / -type-f -perm 0777 -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
find and remove single file
find / -type -f -name "abc.txt" -exec rm-f {}\;
find /-type -f -name "abc.txt" -print0 |xargs -0 rm-f
find directories with 777 pemission and change permission 755
find /-type -d -perm 0777 -exec chmod 755 {}\;
find/ -type -d -perm 0777 -print0 |xargs -0 chmd 755
find all empty files and remove
find /-type f -empty -exec rm-f {}\;
find all hidden files
find /-type -f -name ".*"
find all thee files that were modified 10 days back
find / -mtime 10
find all the files that were accessed 10 days back
find /-atime 10
find all the files which are modified more than 10 days back
and less than 20 days
find / -mtime+10 -mtime -20
find all the files modified in last minute
find / -mmin 1
find all the files changed in last 1 minute
find / -type -f -cmin 1
find . -mmin 1
find .-mmin +1 -mmin -3
find a files based on user group
find / -user root -name abc.txt
find all the files of a user
find / -user root
find a file based on group
find / -group developer -name xyz.txt
find all the files of a group
find /-group developer
find a 10MB file
find /-size 10M
find . -size +1M -size -3M
find . -name '*.log'
restricting find with search capability
find / -maxdepth 3 -name "*log"
find all files that dont match a file name pattern
find. -type f -not -name "*.html"
redirecting errors to /dev/null
find -name "*.txt" 2>>/dev/null
finding EARTH text in all the text files
find . -name "*." -exec grep -i "EARTH"{}\;
finding EARTH text in all the text files efficiently
find . -name "*.txt" -exec grep-i "EARTH"{} \+
Clean out temporary files
find .\(-name a.out -o -name'*.o' -o -name 'core' \)exec rm {} \;
List zero length files
find . -empty -exec ls {} \;
find files which are more than 1 GB and nt accessed for the past
10 months
find / -size +1G -mtime +300
finding file dwnloaded today but misplaced
find ~ -type f -mtime 0 -iname '*.mp3'
identify files without a user or group
find / -nouser -o- nogroup
Setting up a Trusted RFC
Steps to Setup Trusted RFC Communication
On your source system say <SID> IN1 you want to setup
a trusted RFC connection towards the destination system AP1
When you configure the RFC
when you logged onto IN1 and your
user has enough authorization in AP1, you can use the RFC connection to logon to AP1 without having to reenter username and
Here are the steps
1.enter t-code SM59 on IN1
define an R3 type RFC connection (Connection type 3) towards AP1
2.Maintain technical settings details in tab
Load balancing should
be No
Maintain target host and system number
3.Next go to the Logon and Security Tab
Enter details like
Trusted system no
Enter client and uid and password
4.Go to the MDMP and Unicode tab
Enter details like
Choose right option in MDMP
& Unicode
Normally MDMP is inactive and Unicode is yes
5.SAVE RFC connection is created.
Now testing RFC as
its working properly or not
1. Go
to Utilities àConnection
Test , Authorization test,Unicode test
Now the R3 RFC connection is made
, we can continue next step , go to t-code SMT1
And click on create
1.fill the previously created RFC
2.Click Yes
3.Now click on maintain
destination button
This will take you back into
SM59 destination <RFC connection name
we have created>
Change the trusted system option
to yes in the logon and security tab
Remove the user from the logon and
select “Current user”
Save the RFC Connection
Unix - Session 2
#ls -l | more
long format
#ls -lt | more
latest is top
#ls -lta | more
dot files will be shown along with hidden files
#ls -lt xilink
xilink is a directory name
d stands directory
#cd ..
it goes to home directory
cd ~/directryname
echo $cwd
mkdir krishna
emacs welcome.txt
more welcome.txt
ls -lt
chmod 700 welcome.txt rwx by me
chmod 600 welcome.txt rw
chmod 644 welcome.txt
mkdir test
ls -l
rmdir test
rm welcome.txt
ls -lt
cp welcome.txt krishna_welcome.txt
#uname -n
#uname -a
#ls -lA
#ls -A
list Almost all
#ls -a list all
#ls -A -l
spacebar or f
one page forward
one page backward
[Enter]or j
one line forward
[Enter] or k
one line backward
serarches forward for expression foo
#less mynewtestfile.txt
#tail -f loop.out
ctrl+c get out of it
tar -cvf myarchive.tar*
tar -xvf myarchive.tar
gzip myarchive.tar
ls -la
gunzip my
bzip2 my
bunzip2 myarhive.tar.bz2
tar czvf myarchive.tar.gz*
ls -la
tar cjvf myarhcive.tar.bz2*
zip myzip mydir mydir1 testfile
head hostname.txt
scp -P 1209 hostname.txt
#grep 'theme' index.php
#grep 'theme' themes/*
#cd themes/
#grep -r 'theme' themes/*
grep -r 'username' .
dot means current directory
grep -rl 'username'
grep -v 'theme' readme.txt
grep 'theme' readme.txt
grep -n 'theme' readme.txt
grep -i 'this' readme.txt
grep -r 'search string'
grep -rn 'search string'
:wq<Enter> to exit
hit the escape key go to command mode from insert mode
find commands in unix
find where {permission,type,name,time ...} wat -to -do
search files last 10 days
find .-size 0 +10 -exec ls -l {} \;>./checkold.txt
cat checkold.txt
grep "literal_string" filename
case senstitive search
grep -i "literal_string" filename
grep "this" abc.*
grep "line.*empty" abc.*
Sol :abc.txt :line.absoluteempty
exact word search
grep -iw "is" demo_file
Display N lines after match
grep-A <N> "string" FILENAME
grep -A 3 -i "example" demo_txt
Display N lines before match
grep -B <N> "string" FILENAME
grep -B 2 "single word" demo_test
Display N Lines around match
grep -C <N> "string" FILENAME
grep -C 2 "Exmaple" demo_txt
Recursively searching
grep -r "krishna"*
Invert searching
grep -v "go" demo_txt
Counting the no.of matches
grep- c "pattern" filename
grep -r "main" * | wc -l
invert does not have this word main
grep -rv "main" * |wc -l
grep -o -b "pattern" file
o-match only the string
b -show position
show line number while displaying the output
grep -n "go" demo_txt
cat fruits |less
q to exit
cat filename | pg or cat filename | more
cat filename | grep <search string>
cat filename | grep -i a
sort fruits
cat fruits |grep -v a | sort -r
#ls -l | more
long format
#ls -lt | more
latest is top
#ls -lta | more
dot files will be shown along with hidden files
#ls -lt xilink
xilink is a directory name
d stands directory
#cd ..
it goes to home directory
cd ~/directryname
echo $cwd
mkdir krishna
emacs welcome.txt
more welcome.txt
ls -lt
chmod 700 welcome.txt rwx by me
chmod 600 welcome.txt rw
chmod 644 welcome.txt
mkdir test
ls -l
rmdir test
rm welcome.txt
ls -lt
cp welcome.txt krishna_welcome.txt
#uname -n
#uname -a
#ls -lA
#ls -A
list Almost all
#ls -a list all
#ls -A -l
spacebar or f
one page forward
one page backward
[Enter]or j
one line forward
[Enter] or k
one line backward
serarches forward for expression foo
#less mynewtestfile.txt
#tail -f loop.out
ctrl+c get out of it
tar -cvf myarchive.tar*
tar -xvf myarchive.tar
gzip myarchive.tar
ls -la
gunzip my
bzip2 my
bunzip2 myarhive.tar.bz2
tar czvf myarchive.tar.gz*
ls -la
tar cjvf myarhcive.tar.bz2*
zip myzip mydir mydir1 testfile
head hostname.txt
scp -P 1209 hostname.txt
#grep 'theme' index.php
#grep 'theme' themes/*
#cd themes/
#grep -r 'theme' themes/*
grep -r 'username' .
dot means current directory
grep -rl 'username'
grep -v 'theme' readme.txt
grep 'theme' readme.txt
grep -n 'theme' readme.txt
grep -i 'this' readme.txt
grep -r 'search string'
grep -rn 'search string'
:wq<Enter> to exit
hit the escape key go to command mode from insert mode
find commands in unix
find where {permission,type,name,time ...} wat -to -do
search files last 10 days
find .-size 0 +10 -exec ls -l {} \;>./checkold.txt
cat checkold.txt
grep "literal_string" filename
case senstitive search
grep -i "literal_string" filename
grep "this" abc.*
grep "line.*empty" abc.*
Sol :abc.txt :line.absoluteempty
exact word search
grep -iw "is" demo_file
Display N lines after match
grep-A <N> "string" FILENAME
grep -A 3 -i "example" demo_txt
Display N lines before match
grep -B <N> "string" FILENAME
grep -B 2 "single word" demo_test
Display N Lines around match
grep -C <N> "string" FILENAME
grep -C 2 "Exmaple" demo_txt
Recursively searching
grep -r "krishna"*
Invert searching
grep -v "go" demo_txt
Counting the no.of matches
grep- c "pattern" filename
grep -r "main" * | wc -l
invert does not have this word main
grep -rv "main" * |wc -l
grep -o -b "pattern" file
o-match only the string
b -show position
show line number while displaying the output
grep -n "go" demo_txt
cat fruits |less
q to exit
cat filename | pg or cat filename | more
cat filename | grep <search string>
cat filename | grep -i a
sort fruits
cat fruits |grep -v a | sort -r
Unix commands -1
Unix commands
#ls -l
#ls -a
#man ls
#man pwd
#cd /boot/grub
pwd /boot/grub
cd ..
it takes one step back
linunx cd ..
cd ~/
it will take to Home directory
vi Newfile
press i
press esc after insert then it will comes in command mode
save and quit
cat newfile
mv <SRC> <DEST>
rm newfile
rm newfile -i
rm newfile -v
rmdir newfolder -v
#cp src dest
cp bands /home/krishna/copied.txt
vi new\ file
creates new file
cat new\ file
rm new \file
cat textfie
grep this textfile
grep this textfile --count
grep this textfile -- invert-match
grep this textfile -B1 -A1
cat num
sort num -n
sort bands
sort bands -o sortedbands
password change
#pidof sap
super user
#ps -e
#ps -a
#ps -u sap
#uname -a
#uname -s
#uname -m
#gzip textfile
#gzip -l textfile.gz
#gzip -d textfile.gz
back to normal file
#tar-xvzf name.tar
#tar -xvzf
#ping <ipaddress>
#ping -c4 <ipaddress>
4 times it will ping
#ping -c4 <ip address> -q
#ls -l
#ls -a
#man ls
#man pwd
#cd /boot/grub
pwd /boot/grub
cd ..
it takes one step back
linunx cd ..
cd ~/
it will take to Home directory
vi Newfile
press i
press esc after insert then it will comes in command mode
save and quit
cat newfile
mv <SRC> <DEST>
rm newfile
rm newfile -i
rm newfile -v
rmdir newfolder -v
#cp src dest
cp bands /home/krishna/copied.txt
vi new\ file
creates new file
cat new\ file
rm new \file
cat textfie
grep this textfile
grep this textfile --count
grep this textfile -- invert-match
grep this textfile -B1 -A1
cat num
sort num -n
sort bands
sort bands -o sortedbands
password change
#pidof sap
super user
#ps -e
#ps -a
#ps -u sap
#uname -a
#uname -s
#uname -m
#gzip textfile
#gzip -l textfile.gz
#gzip -d textfile.gz
back to normal file
#tar-xvzf name.tar
#tar -xvzf
#ping <ipaddress>
#ping -c4 <ipaddress>
4 times it will ping
#ping -c4 <ip address> -q
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